Sunday, May 17, 2015

Constructed Response

Grammar Objective Test with Item Analysis
Objective Test

Name:                                                                          Score:
Year and Section:      3EM                                            Date:                        

General Directions:
Answer the following items with the best of your abilities.
Use BLACK or BLUE ink only.
Each test item is worth one (1) point.
Avoid erasures.
Practice intellectual honest.

I. Stem-Option. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

1. He is the god of the sea, rivers, floods, droughts, and earthquakes.
                        A. Zeus          
                        B. Hades            
                        C. Poseidon  
                        D. Dionysus
2. She is the goddess of intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy, handcrafts, and wisdom
                        A. Athena                
                        B. Aphrodite                  
                        C. Hestia    
                        D. Hera
3. She is the goddess of beauty, love, desire, sexuality, and pleasure.
                        A. Athena
                        B. Aphrodite                
                        C. Hestia              
                        D. Hera
4. This is the Roman counterpart of Artemis.                        
                        A. Cecilia
                        B. Diana
                        C. Eva
                        D. Fiona
5. He is the messenger of the gods.
                        A. Apollo
                        B. Ares
                        C. Hephaestus
                        D. Hermes
6. He is a Titan who was overthrown by his son into Tartarus.
                        A. Cronus
                        B. Hyperion          
                        C. Oceanus    
                        D. Atlas
7. The primordial deity is the god of sleep.
                        A. Aether
                        B. Ananke        
                        C. Erebus        
                        D. Hypnos
8. Which of the following is a sacred animal of Demeter?
                        A. Owl
                        B. Horse
                        C. Pig
                        D. Dove
9. Which of the following is NOT a sacred animal of Apollo?
                        A. Sparrow
                        B. Crow        
                        C. Hawk
                        D. Raven
10. To which kind of deity does Hestia belong to?
                        A. Primordial
                        B. Agriculture        
                        C. Health              
                        D. Sky

II. Matching type: Match the Greek God's name (Column A) with their Roman counterpart (Column B). Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
      Column A                                              Column B
11. Hades                                                    a. Neptune                  
12. Zeus                                                      b. Minerva
13. Aphrodite                                              c. Jupiter
14. Athena                                                  d. Mars
15. Ares                                                      e. Pluto
                                                                    f. Venus

III. Alternate response. On the space provided, write T if the statement in true and F if the statement is false.

16. Artemis i the twin sister of Ares.
17. Hera is the sister of Zeus.
18. Aphrodite is married to Hephaestus.
19. Hermes is a half-brother of Dionysus.
20. Hera adopted Hercules.

IV. Completion. Write the correct form of verb in parentheses in each of the following sentences on the space provided.
21. Banco de Pilipinas (suffer) ___________________ a bank run months ago.
22. It (rain) _____________________ when the ceremony started
23. He is a man who (lose) ___________________________ his faith in man and God.
24. At the moments we will be there, she (prepare) ____________________ the guest rooms.
25. During sunsets, the river (look) ______________ still.

V. Essay. In 3-5 sentences, answer the following.
26. Explain one or two things contributed by Greek mythology to us Filipinos.
27. Give a situation which could prove that verb forms are important.
28. In Pablo Neruda's Tonight I Can Write the Saddest Lines, what does line 20 mean?
My heart looks for her, and she is not with me.
29. This line was repeated three times in the poem. What does the author tell us about the repetition?
Tonight I can write the saddest lines.
30. Why did the author use the term "tonight" when he could use "this morning", "today", or "this afternoon"?

Answer key:

1. c
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. d
6. a
7. d
8. c
9. a
10. b
11. e
12. c
13. f
14. b
15. d
16. F
17. T
18. T
19. F
20. F
21. suffered
22. was raining
23. lost
24. will be preparing
25. looks
26-30 Essay

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